Singapore-based financial firm establish local work hub as part of their corporate workspace

Great Eastern Life’s innovative new workspace introduces a new decentralise...

Colour and material selection in furniture with Hunting & Narud

In conversation with designers Hunting & Narud, we explore the world of pos...

Flokk’s Denmark showroom offers a unique showcase of design

After a bumpy first year, Flokk's flagship showroom in Denmark is now fully...

The OBOS 'local hub' - Community-based office work environments

Norwegian home builders OBOS unveil the ‘OBOS local hub’, a community work ...

Offecct launch Falabella - “a tribute to craftsmanship”

This month Offecct launch a brand new piece of furniture, combining delicat...

'A chair to share' - Creating the chair for everyone with Swiss designer Paolo Fancelli

With the relaunch of the iconic giroflex 313 chair, we speak to designer Pa...

Authentic, sturdy & stylish - Unique shoe brand Kastel share the secrets of their success

Founder of Norwegian shoe brand Kastel, Andreas Malo Dyb speaks to us about...

Flokk Showroom design listed among top finalists for Grands Prix Du Design Award

The 14th edition of the prestigious international Grands Prix Du Design awa...

Architects Fitzpatrick+Partners talk flexible workspace design

Fitzpatrick+Partners' James Fitzpatrick shares the challenges and opportuni...

What next for the workplace?

Flokk’s in-house think tank “The Future Lab” share their latest thoughts on...