
What does the perfect home office look like?

From wall paints to pot plants, light fittings to storage - we explore some of the key considerations when it comes to making a more permanent home office environment.

The home is increasingly being seen as a long-term workspace for millions of office workers around the world. This had led many individuals to begin remodeling their home offices to create the ideal working environment. If you want to design your home office, here are some of the things that you should be present in a perfect home office.


Wall Paint

The colour of the walls in your home office subconsciously sets a tone for anyone who occupies it - which for most of the time would be you. Your choice of wall paint will depend on the kind of mood that you want to trigger whenever you are working. If you want calming colours, you can opt for blue or green. Red and yellow are stimulating colours and can help you get more active. Decide what you want your work mood to be and use your decision to choose a colour. There are artists and illustrators sharing home office stories online so you can seek inspiration from them. Once you have chosen a colour for your walls, extend the colors to the other facilities in the office. Your desk, rugs, throw pillows, and so on should also complement your wall paint and make the colour more pronounced.


YouTuber Laura Bradshaw used a vibrant orange on her walls to help channel her creativity whilst filming and editing her videos | Featured: HÅG Creed chair


Light blue is a calming alternative to white, also helping to create a summer beach vibe | Featured: HÅG Capisco Puls


Your office furniture will affect your work productivity in no small way so when you want to buy one, make sure that you do not just go with aesthetics. Choose functionality over aesthetics when choosing home office furniture. If you will be sitting or working from a particular position, certain pieces of furniture can help to make you comfortable and healthy. These pieces of furniture protect your back, spine, waist, and other parts of your body. Before you choose trendy designs, make sure that they provide back support and comfort while you are working. The type of chair you choose for your office will affect your process of work.



Lights also help to set you in the right mood for work. The kind of lighting used in your office can create a pleasant work environment and prevent you from straining your eyes throughout your work hours. You need to position your office lights based on how you intend to use the office space. Your workspace, your background for conference calls, your storage space for work documents, etc will determine where and how the lights will be positioned.



Plants affect your work life in a very positive way. A lot of people are not aware of this but there is a lot that you can achieve when you have plants present in your home office. Plants bring a sense of nature into your office. You will also be more creative in your thought process when you have plants in your office. You can bring artificial plants into the office. It is also possible for you to grow plants in your office in the absence of sunlight. LED grow lights can provide the heat that your plants need to grow. Plants can help to improve your health, work mood, air quality, etc. Examples of plants that you can bring into your home office are spider plants, cacti, air plants, etc.

Don't have green fingers? For some the upkeep on plants in the home can be too much, but luckily even imitation plants can have the same psychological affect. | Featured: Ellie Pro chair

Add a personal touch

It will not only make your home office feel like your workplace by adding your individual touch; it will assist increase your productivity. Encircle yourself always with your own inspiring ways to style your home office and motivating things. This helps you to get into the correct working atmosphere and conquer some of the problems of working from home.


Eliminate distraction

Distraction is one of the main disadvantages of working from home. Although distractions are there at work, they are nothing compared to what you have at home. Don't make things in this home office too distracting. Some things assist you to take a fast 5 minutes break when you need it, while other things like television or music might ultimately waste your time.


Exercise Equipment

Studies find that sitting for several hours per day is linked to conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. But there is something you can do to minimize the health risks of sedentary work life. If you’ve grown accustomed to sitting all day at work, you’ll want to create your wellness routine. Find the tools and equipment you need to be active and create a mini-gym right in your office.


Whether your goal is to stay healthy while working from home or at your worksite, here is just a few of the exercise gym equipment to keep at the office:

  • Mini Exercise ball
  • Small hand weights
  • Resistance bands
  • Balance stool
  • Under desk elliptical
  • Treadmill desk




Click here to read more about the benefits of balance stools. | Featured: Mickey stool


The shelter or cabinet storage would be necessary for common work items such as paper, pen, and even books. To organize this type of material, wall storage, cabinets of archives, and bookshelves can be used. Consider always the place in your home office when you select the proper store. Check for small home office ideas to find more advice on how to make the most of your space.



Internet connectivity

You should have very stable internet service at home and be quick to sustain business continuity with equal productivity and efficiency. Ensure that in case of downtime you have a backup plan.



Focus on your choice

Not everyone has the perfect workspace. You should start with clear expectations before you start planning your workplace. Before you create anything, it is much easier to know exactly what you need from your workstation. Think of what makes a workplace attractive and try to implement these ideas. Keep in mind that the type of job you do depends on your demands.


The right kind of storage is key to keeping a tidy and inviting workspace. | Featured: HÅG Capisco


Each of the points explained above must be present in your home office. You also need to carefully arrange everything in the office so that it is just as beautiful as the normal office. Also, discuss with members of your family to reduce all forms of noise whenever you are working. The home office is a concept that will not end if or when the pandemic ends so you need to have a perfect home office where you can contribute to the development of your employer's business.

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