HÅG SoFi gets a fresh look with three new mesh colours

Introducing three vibrant new mesh colours for the HÅG SoFi 7500—perfect for customizing your office space with style and comfort.

See the latest insights from the world of architecture and design, exploring a range of themes including sustainability and wellbeing. Discover the latest news from all the brands of Flokk, including information on upcoming events, products and interviews. Welcome to Flokk Focus.

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Interview with HÅG Capisco design Studio Peter Opsvik as

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of HÅG Capisco, we pay a visit to the Opsvik studio to speak to the team, including Managing Director and son of Peter Tor Opsvik, about the lasting relevance of Opsvik’s design philosophy.

Flokk introduces two new sustainable chairs made from recycled snow plough markers

HÅG Tion and HÅG Celi join HÅG Capisco in our line up of chairs made using recycled snow plough markers, a sustainable 100% recycled plastic material source

Flokk offer first glimpse of HÅG Celi at Stockholm Design Week

On the opening day of Stockholm Design Week, Flokk unveils their game-chang...

Playful, creative, and anything but boring – The colourful world of Norwegian artist Jonny Hurts

Norwegian Artist Jonny Hurts shares his love affair with colour and materia...